About the Blog

Whether you think your glass is half-empty or half-full…it’s all about perception. Regardless of how you perceive the amount of liquid in your cup, you need to ask yourself: are you drinking it up? What I mean is, are you letting your positive or negative thoughts consume you? Just sipping on a half-empty mentality can be poisonous. Pessimism is a smooth liquid that goes down fast. Is it possible to see things from a more positive frame of mind instead?

I knew this blog was something I needed to create because I’m not the expert on how to gain/sustain an optimistic outlook. It may not come easy. Truth: it’s easier when things in life are going well. This blog was started as a reminder that, no matter what, there is always something for which to be grateful. If it’s true that perception is a key component to gratitude, and gratitude is a key component to joy, I’m going to try my best to stay focused on the things to be grateful for even when negative distractions come about. This is my journey and your invitation to join me on it.

If you’re wondering where this all came from, let me just quickly explain that I realized early on that my love for entertainment made my life more easily influenced by every book I’ve read, every TV show/movie/theatrical display I’ve ever seen, every event I’ve experienced, and every song that I’ve ever heard. For example, here are just two examples that are ingrained in my mind whenever I need inspiration for a more positive mentality:

  1. A song by Sister Hazel called “Change Your Mind”: “…If you’re tired of fighting battles with yourself, if you want to be somebody else, change your mind.” You really need to hear/see the full song lyrics. They are so applicable here.
  2. The scene in the movie “As Good as It Gets” when the main character (“Melvin”) is playing the piano and singing “always look on the bright side of your life.” Enough said.

My hope is that your cup runneth over, but I realize it may not feel that way. At the very least, my wish is that you can at least see your glass as half full. I’m not claiming there is a master solution to all of life’s problems. No matter what you see on Instagram, life can’t be sunshine and roses all the time. Some days my glass is half full of shit. All I’m saying is, on those days I’m just grateful that it’s only half full. Or, if that doesn’t work, I think back to something I saw posted online from an anonymous source: “If you see your glass as half empty, pour it into a smaller glass and stop bitching.”

When I decided to start this blog, my frame of mind was “Stop over-thinking it. Just do it already.” I was excited and optimistic. I had been contemplating starting this for a long time. One day I just decided to put the words on screen. I felt like it was something I needed to do. A famous author wrote*, “Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.” I can’t think of a better explanation as to why I’ve decided to share what I write with you.

*Excerpt from Stephen King’s book “On Writing”.

To read about the blogger, Tiffany Ritz, click here.
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